CORE Dental will perform a thorough assessment of your bite and take diagnostic x-rays to see what is going on underneath your gums and bone tissue. We will then determine if the removal of the wisdom teeth is recommended. Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed; sometimes they grow in normally and do not require intervention. Removal is recommended if they are causing damage to adjacent teeth, if there are any signs that if they remain they will compromise your oral health, or if they are causing any pain and/or discomfort. Oftentimes, your dentist will recognize the need for removal before they are causing any problems and will recommend preventative removal before the roots are fully developed.
The most common reason for wisdom teeth removal is lack of space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt properly and become fully functional. When teeth do not erupt fully through the gum, they can develop horizontally or diagonally, and can eventually become completely stuck or ‘impacted.’ If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to damage to other teeth, infection, and possibly cysts. Oftentimes, the damage that the wisdom teeth have caused cannot be seen on the surface, and so x-rays are required to see what is going on underneath the gums. Knowing exactly what is going on underneath the gums allows your dentist to better determine what type of extraction may be required.